Wednesday, 28 November 2018
The last day with Izzy
Today is the last day with Izzy I am really sad because Izzy had to leave. We spend a lot of good times together but sometimes we just have to let them go Sorry if I am being very dramatic. I had fun dancing with Izzy I also think that everyone else had some good times to. I think that it would be fun if everyone would at lest been nice and maybe learn the actions better. Before we left there were only to dancers left so they won then they got lollies and everyone got certificates for being very skilful and learning the dances really well
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Kapa Haka Festival
Friday, 23 November 2018
Three sticks
Today I did three sticks with my friends. Everyone in my class were in groups
of three so we all didn’t really get to play with another friend. I was playing
three sticks with tatai and la’shae we went on the court so that we can play
three sticks it was fun at first but then it started getting harder and harder.
Because we were playing elimination and there were less people playing
so I was the last but I tried. Tatai and la’shae were really good to Tatai really
tried her best and la’shae did really good I was surprised when I made it I
really didn’t think I could make it. I had really fun and I am starting to like
playing three sticks.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Festive Animation 19/11/18
Friday, 9 November 2018
Food art on a plate.
Today I made food art on a plate I made a lion with playdoh there were other students at the table making food art on a plate to. The only colours we had was light blue,yellow,green, and red there were only four colours everyone had to get a little because there wasn't that much playdoh for everyone.
After I was finished making the art on the plate I went back to my table and started taking a picture of the art when I was done I got on my blog and write down what just happened today. After that I put it on the blog.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Fireworks poem.
Coloured flames in the dark, Bonfires lit a night of fire
Guy fawkes night November the fifth.
Crackers heat and bright light.
Looking at the stars shining bright.
Fireworks,fireworks red,blue,green
Fireworks,fireworks splash bom scream.
Crayfish acrostic poem
Crayfish are related to lobsters, crabs and shrimps.
Real crayfishes can be found in freshwater.
All crayfishes change colour as they grow up.
Yellow crayfish are more rare than the blue crayfish.
Fish can eat crayfish.
It is very dangerous for people to go near a crayfishes claw.
Same crayfish can be found in ponds,lakes and other freshwater place.
Here are some facts about crayfish. As crayfish gets older their shells
come of and they grow another.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
basic facts T4W3
I have been learning my divisions at home the only person that helps me is my
dad he is trying to teach me how to get to a stage 6 and I am in stage 4 now
I have to work harder to get to a stage 6. I am very very below of getting to a
stage 6 my teacher is trying to help me get to a stage 6 or 7 I am trying my
best to get to a stage 6 but I am still on stage 4.
dad he is trying to teach me how to get to a stage 6 and I am in stage 4 now
I have to work harder to get to a stage 6. I am very very below of getting to a
stage 6 my teacher is trying to help me get to a stage 6 or 7 I am trying my
best to get to a stage 6 but I am still on stage 4.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Basic facts T4W2
I have not improved and I am still below I am hoping to get a higher score so that
I can move to a stage 6. I am very disappointed and I have not moved to a higher
stage I want to move to a stage 6. I can get to a stage 6 by getting someone at
home to help me with my Divisions, subtractions to 20 and my basic facts So I am
hoping to get to another stage.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Hip hop
Today my class and I went in the hall to do hip hop lessons with a friend. her name was Izzy.
Then, after the warm up was done we were playing a game Izzy put us in groups there was
First, we all went to the hall after morning tea we started doing some warm ups so everyone
is ready to learn how to dance everyone had fun and enjoyed doing the warm ups. We were just dancing and doing same really cool moves. Everyone were in lines there was boys in the
front and girls in the back there were to much of us in the back so Izzy had to get same
girls to go to the back of the girls that were in the middle. Then we did a warm up
everyone really enjoyed doing the warm up Izzy was in the front showing us the moves.
is ready to learn how to dance everyone had fun and enjoyed doing the warm ups. We were just dancing and doing same really cool moves. Everyone were in lines there was boys in the
front and girls in the back there were to much of us in the back so Izzy had to get same
girls to go to the back of the girls that were in the middle. Then we did a warm up
everyone really enjoyed doing the warm up Izzy was in the front showing us the moves.
Then, after the warm up was done we were playing a game Izzy put us in groups there was
group 1,2,3,4 I was in group 1 The game we were playing was kinda like rock paper
scissors it was fun I enjoyed it because group 1 won. It was really fun some groups
were on the stage watching us play it was really fun I enjoyed playing.
scissors it was fun I enjoyed it because group 1 won. It was really fun some groups
were on the stage watching us play it was really fun I enjoyed playing.
Finally, we all did one more lesson before we left Izzy showed us how to do
this thing with your hands we started to
get a hang of it. It was really fun we
started to remember how to do the
action with our hands it was easy with
others but it was hard for me to remember.

get a hang of it. It was really fun we
started to remember how to do the
action with our hands it was easy with
others but it was hard for me to remember.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Prototec T4W1
Today I have not improved and I am below I need to start getting to a higher stage.I haven’t moved to a new stage and I have to get to another stage I would like to get a better high score and start moving up to a stage 6 It is T4 and I am still on stage 5 and I am very disappointed. I need to start learning Groupings within 100 and additions to 20. And I need to get someone in my house to help me get to a stage 6.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Birthday Feed
On Friday my family and I was planning
to make a feed for my sisters birthday.
First, I was in the kitchen helping preparing the
food with my mum. We all had to bring something
to eat so we made chop suey,cake,ice cream, salad,
meat,sausages,pork chop, lamb meat, lollies and pizza.
Everyone made a lot of food and bought something
from the shop or pak n save.
food with my mum. We all had to bring something
to eat so we made chop suey,cake,ice cream, salad,
meat,sausages,pork chop, lamb meat, lollies and pizza.
Everyone made a lot of food and bought something
from the shop or pak n save.
Next, me my sisters and mum and dad started
decorating with all the balloons we keep on
blowing the balloons and getting everything
ready for the birthday. We put up some signs that said happy birthday.
decorating with all the balloons we keep on
blowing the balloons and getting everything
ready for the birthday. We put up some signs that said happy birthday.
Then, everyone was getting everything
ready for the birthday we all got presents
and gift cards for my sister's birthday and left
the presents on the table.
ready for the birthday we all got presents
and gift cards for my sister's birthday and left
the presents on the table.
Finally, then she came home
and everyone had to sit down
in the lounge so they can do a pray
before we eat when we were eating everyone
enjoyed the birthday they talked and sometimes
go outside. When everyone was done
eating and having fun we cleaned up and
everyone all went home because it was
getting dark.
and everyone had to sit down
in the lounge so they can do a pray
before we eat when we were eating everyone
enjoyed the birthday they talked and sometimes
go outside. When everyone was done
eating and having fun we cleaned up and
everyone all went home because it was
getting dark.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Compost project
This term my group of 3 made this project. Our inquiry investigation
question was how do earthworms
turn the soil First, we used the internet to research our topic.
Then we constructed this project. I painted
the outside of the box after painting I did some of the words my friend
Rachel did the clouds and sticked the worms on the bottom Phoenix
did the Earth and the worms. We used paper,sellotape,paint and a big
box. It was really easy all we had to do was get all the stuff we needed.
The difficult part was trying to find out what to do. We learned about
compost and worms we learned about
food scraps to. I would like to learn more about worms and soil.
question was how do earthworms
turn the soil First, we used the internet to research our topic.
Then we constructed this project. I painted
the outside of the box after painting I did some of the words my friend
Rachel did the clouds and sticked the worms on the bottom Phoenix
did the Earth and the worms. We used paper,sellotape,paint and a big
box. It was really easy all we had to do was get all the stuff we needed.
The difficult part was trying to find out what to do. We learned about
compost and worms we learned about
food scraps to. I would like to learn more about worms and soil.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Energy Drinks
T3W10 Prototec Timed
Today I have not improved and I am still below I haven't moved to a stage. I want to be clever and move to a higher level I want to get better at timetables,divisions and addisons. And I still have problems trying to get better at timetables. Timetables are easy for the kids in my class. I wish I could get better at learning my basic facts.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
I made a Tessellation and I used green,red, and gray colours. I had to only use three colours. on the other side I used red,orange and yellow I used the red and gray to make a pattern on the fish's tale I also did a green and red colour on the tale to. On the other side I made a pattern with red,green and yellow colours. I
Friday, 21 September 2018
Hot and cold colours.
I made a cold and Hot coloured bird My teacher writes down on the board all the Hot and cold colours. I got all the Hot and cold colours and coloured my bird. I kinda tried to rush because I also wanted to go on my chromebook it was taking a long time I just wanted it to be done with and then I can go on my chromebook. After I was done I went to clean all the rubbishes on the floor and then I went on my chromebook. but then the bell ringed so we had to pack up.
Robot art
This is my art that I made, if you look a little closer you will see a robot fox. I had to do another robot because it was to little I was a bit disappointed because drawing the robot fox took a lot of time. so I drawed the robot but my teacher said to do the background so I did. I drawed the background and made it look like the robot was living in a house I didn't have time to draw with the pencil so I just used the crayones. It took a lot of time but I managed to finish it when I was finished I went to dye my art with the paintbrush.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Prototec basic facts
Today I have not improved and I am at stage 5 because I did not learn my divisions
basic facts and my Addition to 20. I have to learn my Multiplication -2 -10 -5 I
need to get a higher standard and start getting my friend to help me with My basic facts,Divisions
and Additions.
basic facts and my Addition to 20. I have to learn my Multiplication -2 -10 -5 I
need to get a higher standard and start getting my friend to help me with My basic facts,Divisions
and Additions.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
This week I have not improved I remain the same and haven't moved to a next level. I need to learn my basic facts faster and my divisions I have to start getting my sisters or my parents to help me get better at my basic facts.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Tongan language week
Malo e lelei It is Tongan language week and this is a photo of all the Tongan kids in their traditional clothes there's only 4 at the moment. so everyone has to make a blog post of the Tongan kids in there Tongan clothes. All the kids that are wearing Tongan clothes are going on stage and are also singing a Tongan song.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Birthday boy
Walht: describe the setting.
In korea 1951 houses where busted down and the roofs of the houses fell on
the ground and plains would pass by shooting innocent people living in there
houses. Some survived but others didn’t so everyday was war.
the ground and plains would pass by shooting innocent people living in there
houses. Some survived but others didn’t so everyday was war.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
Prototec basic Facts
I did not improve I am remaining the same because I am not fast enough and I need to get to a higher standard. I need to achieve so I can get better at doing my prototec basic facts.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Daffodil Day
In our school we had to teachers that died and there names where
Mr Siaosi Tongilava and Mrs Whae Emily they died by Cancer and in
New Zealand people start to get Cancer to. Hospitals try to find something
to makecancer go away. Daffodil Day represents cancer day.
Mr Siaosi Tongilava and Mrs Whae Emily they died by Cancer and in
New Zealand people start to get Cancer to. Hospitals try to find something
to makecancer go away. Daffodil Day represents cancer day.
Maths games
Tama Paerau Rachel Iraia Syria Glaysia
I was playing a game of matching fractions. I had match ¾ with words three quarters and a picture that showed three quarters. This game was confusing for me because I didn’t really understand but I started to get better at playing. Next , I would like to learn how to get better at learning my Fractions more faster.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
compos speech
Composting is how nature recycles
old plants to make new plants.
When a plant dies it starts to decay.
Fungi and bacteria break down the
plant into smaller pieces. These will
turn into rich soil called humus which is
full of nutrients? People make compost in
a bin at home using vegetable
scraps and grass clippings piled together.
old plants to make new plants.
When a plant dies it starts to decay.
Fungi and bacteria break down the
plant into smaller pieces. These will
turn into rich soil called humus which is
full of nutrients? People make compost in
a bin at home using vegetable
scraps and grass clippings piled together.
Fungi, bacteria, worms, and other
creatures break down the waste. The
compost pile gets worm and steamy.
Compost piles need to be moist so fungi
and bacteria can grow.Turning over the
compost helps it get enough ari turning
over the compost regularly stops it getting
too hot which will kill the good
bacteria and fungi. Good compost makes
the soil just right for new plants to
creatures break down the waste. The
compost pile gets worm and steamy.
Compost piles need to be moist so fungi
and bacteria can grow.Turning over the
compost helps it get enough ari turning
over the compost regularly stops it getting
too hot which will kill the good
bacteria and fungi. Good compost makes
the soil just right for new plants to
So every year you can plant new
plants in rich soil from your compost to
your garden and kitchen waste material
that you have put in the compost bin.
There are many reasons why we need
compost the first reason is saving
money, new plants,and more fruits and veggies.
plants in rich soil from your compost to
your garden and kitchen waste material
that you have put in the compost bin.
There are many reasons why we need
compost the first reason is saving
money, new plants,and more fruits and veggies.
We can help nature out by donating our
food scraps and yard waste
to the soil. Bacteria, fungi, worms
decompose the dead leaves. Composting
is good for saving money and getting new
fruits and veggies. You can also
make your own composting bin at home.
food scraps and yard waste
to the soil. Bacteria, fungi, worms
decompose the dead leaves. Composting
is good for saving money and getting new
fruits and veggies. You can also
make your own composting bin at home.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Hansel & Gretel
One very dark night there lived to chickens and their names were Hansel and Gretel. They were really good at doing Ninja moves. When they were done doing Ninja skills they headed back to the dojo where they lived and saw all their furniture on the floor. They looked everywhere for there mother and grandpa but they couldn’t find them. They saw footprints so they followed it and searched and searched until they found there mother and grandpa.
Well they were looking for them in the forest they put down bread so they can find their way back home it was getting dark so they couldn’t see properly but in the morning they saw a house and in that house lived a fox he told Gretel and Hansel if they wanted to come in and have a bite. They said yes because they were getting really hungry.
So they went in and Gretel and Hansel mother saw grandpa in a little box grandpa chicken tried to tell her to run but it was to late then the fox put her in the pan well he went to cut the veggies then Hansel and Gretel saw there mother in the pan and saved them. Hansel,Gretel and there mother and grandpa now save’s chicken from getting kidnaped.
summarizing Hensel & Gretel
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Te Tuhi
On Tuesday my class and I went to Te Tuhi we went inside and sat down and waited for the art lady to come she came and gave us news papers and other things we started making our own 3d art cards it was really fun.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Pak N save
Last Thursday my class and I went to pak N save to learn about all kinds of
fruit before we went
in our teacher put us all into six groups we saw Adele in there. Adele is
here to talk about our health.
First before we started she said all the instructions
the first instruction
was what to do and the second
was every group gets a teacher in there groups it was really fun. When we
finished we all got surprises
at the end then we walked back to school.
fruit before we went
in our teacher put us all into six groups we saw Adele in there. Adele is
here to talk about our health.
First before we started she said all the instructions
the first instruction
was what to do and the second
was every group gets a teacher in there groups it was really fun. When we
finished we all got surprises
at the end then we walked back to school.
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Food for thoughts
Food for thoughts
Today a person came to our class to teach us about health and her name is Adele.
Adele was really nice she talked about us needing to eat more healthy food. And oslo teaching us how many fat,sugar and Energy in oats and coco pops and other breakfasts we all grouped up together in four or to groups but we had really fun playing that game.
I got neaves say out loud how many sugar in oats my friends helped me what to say but when I said it I felt proud of myself. We had so much fun we all standed up behind our chairs and Adele put as in to random groups my friends and I all got splitted in to other groups.
When I got into my group Adele gave us photos of drinks and she said to put them in order it was really easy because I just did nothing It was to water to fizzy drinks it started of by water and other healthy drinks and then it went down to fizzy drinks.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Prototec T3w1
Today I have remained the same because
I have to learn more about math I need to learn
my math more faster and get to a higher level and start
getting better at it. I have to start paying attention to the teacher
and get my friend to help me get better at learning. I need to
learn my division 2,5 and 10 I need to learn division more faster
and my timetables.
prototec T2W10
I went backwards because I didn’t no how to do it timed
It was going to fast.I have to learn my
timetables faster and my divisions.
I have to do to improve my learning.
timetables faster and my divisions.
I have to do to improve my learning.
I have to be on a stage 10 at my age I have
to learn tham faster so I’m going to have to
learn maths faster.
to learn tham faster so I’m going to have to
learn maths faster.
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Raised Expectation
individual Goal,
Raised Expectation
Friday, 6 July 2018
Thank you Mr steve
Thank you Mr Steve
for giving room 8 pies, pizzas,ingredients for cupcakes,
and desserts. Room 8 really appreciates all the food and
ingredients you have gave to us thank you for being
so generous and helpful to room 8. You are really
kind, helpful, generous,nice, and friendly. Thank you
so much Mr Steve.
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