
Thursday, 6 August 2020

Turning Food Waste Into Beer

A british company that takes food waste and turn it into  beer - and then bread again. The beer was brewed at the pub’s tiny in-house brewery in collaboration with toast ale, a British craft beer company that uses waste bread to make beer on a commercial scale.  In the UK 44 percent of all bread is wasted so the company takes bread from bakeries and sandwich makers to create beer. The bread then provides sugar that turns into alcohol during brewing, cutting down on the amount of fresh barley needed.

Scientists repurpose waste bread to feed microbial startersStop Food Waste Day | Days Of The YearTasting Panel - Strong Beers - DishThe 10+ Best Low Carb Beers - Best Keto BeersHow to Talk About Different Types of Beer Like a Pro | Time

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Technology Elephant Toothpaste And Water.

In science today my class and I learned about water. First we had to write down what we know about water in our science book and then we watched videos about how water in auckland is going down. After watching videos about it we explained how water is supposed to be saved in auckland because right now water is going down. In auckland the government is planning on shutting down the car washes. When we were done talking about the situation that's happening, we watched videos that showed us water experiments. We choose two water experiments to do which was elephant toothpaste and an experiment we had to do with colouring food, which by the way I do not know the name of. This is how we made it.

Elephant Toothpaste.


  • Dry yeast

  • Warm water

  • Food colouring

  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • Dish wash soap



  • Empty plastic bottle.

  • Dry yeast (found in the baking section of the grocery store)

  • Warm water.

  • Liquid dish soap.

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide.

  • Measuring cups.

  • Measuring spoons.

  • Safety glasses.



  • Measure 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide, and carefully pour it into the bottle.

  • Add a big squirt of dish soap into the bottle, and swirl gently to mix.

If you want to make your foam a single color, add a few drops of food coloring directly into the hydrogen peroxide, and swirl the bottle gently to mix.