
Friday, 22 June 2018

Matariki celebration in Glen Innes School

Last Friday at the Glen Innes School hall  we had a display to celebrate Matariki. There were many Mums and Dads at the hall to look at their children's artwork.

The first thing that I saw was the flax bags near the front door. The best part of the flax bags was the pattern that had been weaved in and out. The pattern looked like it was a braid in  someone's hair. The people that had made the flax bags was the people that put a lot of effort in it.

The second thing my eyes were glued onto was room 8  Matariki art. I liked the stars shining in the sky and the waves around the dark blue sky and the sky towers. there were habeer britches in same of the Matariki arts. Down below their were towers covered up with
Black paint.

I enjoyed the matariki display and I hope that we can have another display next year and I also hope if my family can come and look at my work I have done in my class.


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